
I think of the rain and the trees
I think of the oceans and the breeze
I think of things that matter to me ;
but you're always there,
you are the one..
only you're what it takes to set me free.

I've thought of freedom
I've thought of truth and eccentricity
of art, and music, and poetry ;
but they're always there,
to take me to the other world..
only you're the one who can make me see.

I've seen the sights and had my days and nights
I've known how to distinguish and analyse
I've exploited my rights unduly ;
but all's been and done with,
the highs and lows are past..
only you always let me be me.

I know myself well
I know it all, and more..
only I wish I knew who you were ;
you're who I want to know
'coz you're the one I want and I'll need..
for now, and forever.

First I, Then you.

Morality and conscience. Big words! A relatively smaller scope for emphasis, while some major differences they do create. Despite a few small allowances, the capabilities are still extensive. The word is still big.
How many people would respond emphathetically though? Even if the impression might appear surreal, and certainly aim at 'rhetorical', an ambitious perspective wouldn't refrain from asking why people try so hard. What do they want to prove? Why do they come about needing the proof?
Humanity is one of the few viable resources that remains susceptible to most - people, emotions, actions - you name it. Limited mentality wouldn't get you places. It is but the very thought of carefree, evolving, ever-changing circumstances that should bring out the life, and kill the bottled-up-ness. Understanding emotions and sentiments sure increases your EQ. But where does it leave you when you're actually out there dealing with a real-life situation? a crisis? feelings running haywire? And hands-on exprerience might get you immensely baffled for the most part. It, however, enhances a sense, an ability to correlate and concern yourself with what is out there. While most of it may catch you unawares, strike you between the eyes and yet still fail to create a lasting impact, some of it may invaluably add to the dexterous situation. Widen the dimensions, bring up new ideas and stack 'em into your little book of experience, and grant an eventful memory - awaiting reminiscience, to be built upon and sensibly shared.
They say that, to get something out of it, you first need to put in something. A hint of this old-world vibe in the air might be accompanied by compulsions. Orthodox thought-processes that would otherwise not stand a chance in the deep, dark decay that continues its proliferation. To be 'who' you always wanted to be, you are required to think in the liberated way you always wished to - and to ofcourse strike a balance once out there, for change lurks around as always. And shouldn't it?
Being nice, being humane - acting out your prescribed scene (no Shakespearean pun intended). What about it wouldn't attract even the teeniest bit of reciprocity that you're not looking for but cannot help finding? And why not, if it gets you what you want and helps in keeping you happy! Endlessly cliched, but the world is still big. And all the world's a stage, all the men and women merely players. Fairplay, indeed. =D

To Know, and Choose

The Knowing

The dictionary defines 'intuition' as the ability to understand or know something without conscious reasoning. Things happen, and after they have happened, there tends to be this nagging belief of knowing that this was exactly what was supposed to have happened, in anyway. Like you always knew, and had this feeling all along. Like there was no other way, no other justification of it happening the way it did. Situations can reveal the same - the unconscious fact of understanding what needs to be known under the lines. Yet, there are some people for whom its quintessentially a way of life. Intuition runs in their blood, or rather, their nerves. Scientifically, its got to have something to do with possessing a more active, concerned and observant brain. But speaking generally, its when you understand the emotions that are put behind an action, be it anything for that matter. The more you understand, the more emotionally intelligent you become. Quite simply put, the ability of knowing and/or understanding, helps in putting things in perspective. It makes stuff make sense. Which again in turn, makes sense. Like I don't think I really know why I'm doing this. But I know.
(Impersonal, and no intentions of being freaky. =D )


The Choosing

Choices are a part and parcel of life. They come free, may bring on a little debt later on, and conclude to mark a life. A life marked by choices - could turn out to be pleasantly fulfilled, or even majorly flawed. Even though tried and tested sources justify that correct and incorrect choices do exist, its all about how the optional decision is taken and more importantly, what is made out of it. Not exactly what the decision is. Happiness need not be as limited! As in to only prove its worth to consequential satisfaction. Even though having no choice is the random-est reason of explanation, mortal life is not about what the choices are, its about 'who' makes them. Its not related to knowing the outcome and delving into something even remotely familiar, its knowing that you have the ability to face the aftermath, come what may. Its about living life to the fullest and making the most out of whatever constituent choices and decisions are made, that lead on to create a life to love - owing to all the 'living'.