I think of the rain and the trees
I think of the oceans and the breeze
I think of things that matter to me ;
but you're always there,
you are the one..
only you're what it takes to set me free.
I've thought of freedom
I've thought of truth and eccentricity
of art, and music, and poetry ;
but they're always there,
to take me to the other world..
only you're the one who can make me see.
I've seen the sights and had my days and nights
I've known how to distinguish and analyse
I've exploited my rights unduly ;
but all's been and done with,
the highs and lows are past..
only you always let me be me.
I know myself well
I know it all, and more..
only I wish I knew who you were ;
you're who I want to know
'coz you're the one I want and I'll need..
for now, and forever.