'A' for Ar-chi-tec-ture

When I thought I knew what architecture meant, I had no idea that I'd be crossing the limits of having career-related misconceptions. As far as setting up miscellaneous household objects and doing up interiors (to VERY generally, make the whole setting look pretty) was concerned, I was interested enough, and/but nowhere near becoming an architect. The reality TV shows that instigated me in the first place, didn't stand a chance infront of the hoax I had created for myself. But then, did I really want to be an architect? Maybe an interior designer? Maybe, just a designer. Doesn't matter what I made. The process of creation was what mattered most. Or not.

When I got into (and couldn't get out of) what I thought architecture meant and didn't turn out to be, I guess I finally understood the fact that it wasn't all about just becoming an architect. Period. All the drafting and the conceptual development, that constituted a major part of the evaluation of assignments, didn't really matter in the big picture (well MY picture; This is certainly NOT in accordance to any of my teachers' points of view.) It was about the 'design'- the creation, the carrying out, the analysis..and most importantly (I suspect this is only me, thinking too much) the APPRECIATION. Tall buildings, steel and chrome interiors, skyscrapers, piers, arches, numerous elements of design, minimalism, green architecture, glass forms, ancient history and all it had to offer to make architecture better, stabler..I appreciate. I might not like writing all the exams, and proving the worth of my designs in front of a jury and submitting all my assigments within deadlines, and losing my head halfway through it all - but I like architecture. Genuinely at that.

For one, now I know for a fact that its not just about building and construction. Designing can be good fun :) My childhood dreams of becoming a glass artist (7th grade?), and moulding glass to form something, anything - tend to get re-lived. Experimentation with shapes and shapeless forms of all sizes establishes the meaning of work. Arts and crafts, that I always enjoyed no matter how tedious or annoying it gets after a point, still makes sense. Using a t-scale and set-squares to derive plans, elevations and sections - does have its own inexplicable charm. And art! And photography! Each frame has a story to tell, to know of. And ofcourse, you end up getting the trademarked tag of being a student of architecture - respect for your undoubted creative abilities (you took up archi. after all!), concern about the endless sleepless nights and days you spend 'working', sympathy and awe for choosing to be one of the 'different' citizens of the educational society.

Like my work-burdened, limit-less entertainment-deprived fellow-'archi's justify that their best interests lie in the 'creativity'. Its all about letting your emotions run wild in order to give expression to your ideas. Execution and evolution of what is within implies as the most lucrative feature of architecture. Or not. Its essentially an architectural-theory of covering up for whatever goes wrong. :D No offence or anything, for there are some things that need not be defined or understood (or written about). But even though its a tough road ahead with a LOT to look forward to, there are innumerable paths of divergence leading into what I'll someday tend to fancy and take up. Till then, its 'appreciation' all the way, if not architecture-make-believe-creation.

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