
Rain. Yellow lights. Laundry. Smoke. Alarm. (as random as the order could get!)

Hola new life. :)
And work. Sigh. The one word that makes me curse the past four years of my life. Err. Okay who am I kidding! The past four years of my life were awesome – read : liberating, changing, all I could have asked for and refrained from. Ups and downs, highs and the mellow. The sober and the sore. There’s an eighteen-year old you. And then there’s a twenty-two year old you. And you are proud. Mighty proud. And now, is when you finally understand why the parents asked you to wait for the weekends do anything remotely joyous, droning on through the workdays – inanimate, monotonous. Weirdly wise, the new you also understands these obligations. The updated encumbrance. Where directions bifurcate, old flame entwines and you welcome the entire sobriety that the universe has to offer. Snippets of thought getting me anywhere? Somewhere. And I’m still flanking on the lines of beginning this so called stint. Drone, flow, absorb. And leap.

Hello. Goodbye.

And this is what it comes down to. LOL.

After taking a break from something you love(d) and would never imagine being separated from, and when it did eventually happen, being apart for longer than you could possibly imagine, you end up realising that the love may not be. Anymore. But it does still linger, and everything comes rushing back. The same urge, decisiveness and butterflies. Familiarity. Ease. Amusement at the past. Understanding of what has been, is and may follow. And the will to let go. 

So for starters, here is to another stint that will hopefully last longer. Avid-er. Better.
